Court: High Court of Kenya at Kisumu
Category: Civil
Judge(s): T. W. Cherere
Judgment Date: October 01, 2020
Country: Kenya
Document Type: PDF
Number of Pages: 3
Explore the case summary of In re Estate of Agumba Awinda (Deceased) [2020] eKLR, highlighting key legal principles and decisions. Ideal for legal professionals and scholars.Case Brief: In re Estate of Agumba Awinda (Deceased) [2020] eKLR1. Case Information: - Name of the Case: In the Matter of the Estate of Agumba Awind (Deceased) - Case Number: Succession Cause No. 950 of 2014 - Court: High Court of Kenya at Kisumu - Date Delivered: October 1, 2020 - Category of Law: Civil - Judge(s): T. W. Cherere - Country: Kenya2. Questions Presented: The central legal issue presented before the court was the distribution of the deceased’s estate, specifically how to fairly allocate the property among the heirs given the differing proposals from the administrators.....................
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